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System Programming versus App Development

Some knowledge and tips on System Programming Language and App Development Language

Ajitesh Panda

2 minute read

These days System Programming field is gaining more and more traction when it comes to career. But it can be a bit confusing when it comes to the difference between the System Programming Languages and Application Programming Languages. Lets! clear some thing out.

1. Some Differences Between system and application programming languages

First lets discuss some differences between the two.

Point - 1:

System Programming Language : They are low level/procedural programming laguage, which are directly or indirectly compiled by a compiler.

Application Programming Language: They are high level/procedural/structural languages which are interpreted by a interpreter.

Point - 2:

System Programming Languages: They are statically typed

Application Prorgamming Languages: They are dynamically typed

Point - 3:

System Programming Language : They are used to develop system applications or programs which never directly interacte with the user

Application Prorgamming Languages: They can directly interact with the user or can sometime used in some back-stage programs such as browser engine(made with JS), testing tools(made with python) etc.

Point - 4:

System Programming Language : They are generally very fast compared to application programming languages

Application Prorgamming Languages: Relatively slow, as these are interpreted in runtime.

Point - 5:

System Programming Language : They can inteeract with system memory, so they can access the address of saved memory. Examples: pointers in C, C++, GO and smart pointers in Rust

Application Prorgamming Languages: They don’t have access to address of saved memory.

Point - 6:

System Programming Language : Examples of system programming languages are C, C++, GO, Rust etc.

Application Prorgamming Languages: Examples of application programming languages are JavaScript, Python, Dart, PHP etc.

2. In some ways both of the languages are similar

  • Some examples of both type of the languages support Object Oriented Programming Paradigm.(Examples: C++, Python, JavaScript)

  • Both type of languages support framework development(Examples: Hugo in GO, Cake in PHP, Django in Python, Express in JavaScript)

  • We can use both type of langauges for efficient scientific comupations.(Examples: julia, R, python etc)

Hello World

Hello World program in a system programming language(GO):

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello Blur Code!")

Hello World program in a application programming language(Python):

print("Hello Blur Code!")

Let us know, which is your favorite programming language and why ?


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